Here you will find all sort of tips related to shisha pipes. We will keep adding to the list till we have a comprehensive list. If you have any suggestions or see soemthing that is incorect please email us.
- To keep extend the shelf life of your shisha tobacco keep it in an air tight container. This will also keep it fresher. Place the container in a room temperature cupboard away from humidity. Do not place in the refrigerator as it can ruin the tobacco
- When you get bored with a shisha flavour, mix different flavors of hookah tobacco in the bowl. We will add ideas of differnt flavours of tobacco to mix in another article.
- For an enhanced fruity smoke, mix berries with the water in the Glass Base.
- Add ice cubes to your vase to cool the smoke down.
- Try adding different liquids to the vase for example mixing Lemon Juice, Apple Juice, Cranberry Juice, or Wine with the water
- Blow into the shisha hose to clear the pipe of stale smoke before each use.
- Use a cleaning brush to clean your pipe after each smoking session.
- Always place your hookah pipe on the ground or use a vase protector to prevent accidents.
- Find a case to store all your accessories in one place. Then you will know where to look next time you need a piece.
- With quick light charcoal, when one is nearly finished, simply add another one on top to keep the session going.
- A rotating platform under your hookah pipe, will make it easier to maneuver at parties.
- A recent report mentions a 45 minute smoking session is roughly equivalent to 2.5 cigarettes in terms of nicotine.
- Do not use BBQ coals with your pipe. They produce much more carbon monoxide: may cause headaches. Use quick light or we recommend natural charcoal for a cleaner smoke.
- Do not breathe in when lighting quick light bands of charcoal. They contain chemicals with various carcinogens so they light quickly.
- Use the hookah tongs to move coals about. Kitchen tongs could be coated with polymer – not good for your health.
- Shisha smoke should be thick and white indicating you pipe is set up correctly.
- If the smoke is harsh, berify the foil for burning marks. Make sure you haev packed the hookah bowl with the proper density of tobacco.
- Try different shisha tobacco flavours and brands, you will find which flavour and brand suits you more in taste and quantity of smoke
- Charcoal managment. I have heard two conflicting recommendations: One to keep moving the charcoal around slowly inwards to burn the tobacco evenly. The other tips is to not touch the charcaol so that it does not fall into the bowl and ruin the flavor.
- Cut up the hookah tobacco to help pack the bowl evenly. Not too small or the tobacco can fall down into the stem.
- Has your tobacco gone dry? Give it a fresh of life by adding honey or molasses to it.
- To clean your shisha pipe stem: add vinegar to a rag or equivalent and push through the stem with a long thin solid material (like a fishign rod) moving it up and down. Ideally you should do this once a week if you are smoking every day.
- To clean your vase: soak it in warm soapy water and rinse thouroughly afterwards. The vase can be cleaned roughly once a month.
- Thicker foil distributes heat to the bowl burning the tobacco more evenly.
– Funnel bowls are a good accessory to have. They lengthen a smoking session and keeps everything cooler.
- A large diameter shisha hose will permit more smoke to flow up the pipe with less pulling required.
- The ball bearing on the opposite side of the shisha hose is a release valve. If the shisha becomes too strong blow through your hose and smoke will escape from here.
- Using washing up liquid on the rubber grommets will facilitate the assembling of the pipe
- Using much charcoal creates more smoke but less flavor for a shorter time. Using a smaller amount of coal produces less smoke but more flavour for a longer time.
- When lighting up your shisha pipe, breathe big and long breaths the first few times without inhaling to get the flow of smoke and charcoal going.
Please send us by email your shisha pipe tips to use.